Tuesday, December 8, 2009

O ChRiStmAs tReE

Ryan and I went and picked up a Christmas tree today and got it all decorated! We love it and are stoked about it! It was a lot of fun decorating it, and it smells so good! We goofed around in some of our pictures.. got a little carried away I should say! haha, Ryan took a picture of me jumping in front of the tree and when i tried taking one of him... it turned into like 20 cause I'm just not all that talented with a camera! haha! anyway! Yay for today!


The Stradlings said...

Lovin' it! And holy cow, look at all the presents! You are little miss prepared, are you not? We miss you tons and love you to pieces!

Selena and Russ!! said...

you guys are so cute and the jumping pictures of ryan are so funny! hahaha! I love the tree! Russ and I are going to get a little baby one for our house. it will be our first one (we didn't do it last year! love you both!