So, Ryan and i had been dating for exactly 4 months when he proposed. It was a big surprise and i really had NO idea he was doing it that night! Ryan proposed on January 24, 2009. A week and a half before, he had gotten his tonsils out, so i got to take care of him! (which was hard cause he is one STUBBORN boy!) As a thank you, he told me he wanted to take me to The Roof. An extremely nice resturant in Salt Lake City. We went there for our first night out to dinner 4 months ago. The Salt Lake City temple was right outside our window both times. There were a couple times i thought to myself.. is he proposing tonight? But i kept telling myself, "no we are going ring shopping on monday, we have an appointment to meet with someone at Jareds". Or so i thought, and only i would believe that! After dinner, Ryan took me on a carrige ride around the city. It was FREEZING! But we got to cuddle, so it was well worth it! haha. After all that, Ryan said we were going to Selena and Russ's to play Fantastic four, an XBOX game that we played the night before! I wanted to go and change into pjs, and go home soon cause i was exhausted. (But he said no, haha and now i know why!) When we got there, a huge party tent was in the driveway. It was all lit up inside, but NOTHING, crossed my mind. I just looked at Ry and said "what the heck? is someone hiding a dragon?" Ryan wanted to peek, but i thought it was the neighbors and said "are you insane? its not ours!" He started unzipping the tent, and i saw rose pettels on the ground inside, i freaked and said.. "ITS SELENAS AND RUSS's!" Back down went the zipper! Ryan laughed and went "what? i didnt see..." so he pulled the zipper back up so i could see inside. On the wall were pictures from the last 4 months that we had been dating. They spelled out I LOVE U. On a table was a jewelery box, with a note that said OPEN ME. I opened the box, where i found a ring box. I opened that.............. and there was a note!!!!!! After reading the little note, i looked at Ryan, he got down on one knee and opened a different ring box, and there was my ring! He asked me to marry him, and i think you guys all know the rest!!! I said "YES YES YES!!!" (I actually said yes before he even asked haha! ) And that is just the begining of the Ryan and Bri family!!! WhOo WHOo!
My beautiful ring!

Selena, my new soon to be sister-in-law, helped ryan set up the tent for the big proposal. And boy they sure did make it EXTRA special!